Walk-in closet: differences between bespoke, custom-made and made-to-measure
We often use the words bespoke, custom-made, and made-to-measure as if they were synonymous, but they actually refer to different services, different needs, and different budgets. These terms, in theory, are not interchangeable and define three distinct processes.
Let’s take away any doubts in this article by analyzing the difference between “bespoke”, “custom-made”, and “made-to-measure”, specifically as it relates to furniture and wardrobes or walk-in closets design.
Bespoke closet: the unique piece

The word “bespoke” identifies an artifact made specifically for one person. Of the three words we are analyzing, it is the only one that identifies a piece that is unique and unrepeatable because it is designed specifically for a particular customer, without starting from a standard.
When it comes to bespoke wardrobes, we are dealing with craftsmanship and with a design that starts from scratch. Customers are personally involved in bringing the wardrobe they are envisioning to life so that it is the shape, color, and material they want.
A bespoke wardrobe or walk-in closet is a completely original piece of furniture, which is why the costs are much higher and the construction time longer. In return you will have a piece of furniture that will fit perfectly into the space in which it will be placed and will totally meet the needs of the customer.
The custom-made wardrobe: a personalized furniture

Unlike bespoke furniture, custom-made furniture (translatable as “personalized”) starts with a pre-existing design, but it is modified according to clients’ requests. The customer starts by choosing a wardrobe he/she prefers, then specifying the modifications he/she feels are appropriate: the use of a different wood, choosing a color palette that best suits the room, using a particular texture, etc…
Custom made furniture benefits include shorter lead times and a lower cost to design the wardrobe or walk-in closet, since the basic design already exists, while still getting a piece of furniture that meets specific needs.
The made-to-measure wardrobe: the adapted furniture

It is not easy to explain the difference between a “custom” and a “made-to-measure” piece of furniture. In both cases, it starts from an already studied design, but when it comes to made-to-measure, there is no real customization, but rather an adaptation, less impactful than the starting model.
A made-to-measure walk-in closet or wardrobe don’t differ too much from the standard. Therefore on the one hand it comes to meet tighter budgets, but on the other hand you will not have a piece of furniture designed specifically for you: looks more like a compromise, more or less satisfactory.
Cosy International, luxury bespoke furniture maker
Cosy International’s mission is the creation of luxury wardrobes and walk-in closets: one-of-a-kind bespoke pieces and custom furniture pieces with high quality standards that are totally customizable.
Take the first step now to have the closet you’ve always imagined: trust Cosy International!